About Us
Managed by Prof. Maria-Elena Vaida, Transmondo was established in 1998 as a limited liability company with 100% private Romanian capital. The expertise gained over these 12 years lead us to provide high quality services, but also to serve our clients with expedience and reliability.
Our basic activity is the provision of certified and non-certified translations in any field, such as: administrative, education, economic and financial, legal, notarial, technical, IT, medical, pharmaceutical, etc.
A further proof of our excellence is also reflected by the large variety of languages we provide translations from/to:
French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin; English, German, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish; Hungarian; Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Russian, Ukrainian; Greek, Turkish, Albanian, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Chinese, Japanese.
Our translators are all licensed by the Ministry of Justice, and they all are expert translators with a vast experience in their respective fields.
Other activities of Transmondo include interpreting, furnishing of the Apostille of The Hague and specialised consulting.
That is to say, Transmondo has always been committed to quality.